Sunday, February 10, 2013

Electronic Bank Statement

Electronic Bank Statement mapping reference

:20 statement date
:25:account number
:28C statement number
:NS:22account owner
:60F: opening balance
:61:transaction 1
:NS:19transaction 1 booking time
:86:transaction 1 details
:61:transaction 2
:NS:19transaction 2 booking time
:86:transaction 2 details
:61:transaction 3
:NS:19transaction 3 booking time
:86:transaction 3 details
:62F:closing balance
:64:available balance
:86:account information


Transaction code J2GLPLOGPAPERSFIV

When there are documents that are posted via IDOC that cannot be printed via J2GPFI, it is due to GL Accounts being posted are not in the customizing table that is being read by the printing program. The transaction for this table is J2GLPLOGPAPERSFIV. .

Useful SAP Asset Correction Programs

Useful SAP Asset Accounting Correction Programs

This report changes the current fiscal year in table ANLB. It will be changed to the last open fiscal year from table ANLC.
The report corrects planned asset depreciation values in closed fiscal years through copying the posted value in the planned value field.
The report resets the error indicator on the fixed asset for closed fiscal years during year end closing.
This report updated fields BLDAT (document date) and BUDAT (posting date) in table ANEK (Header Asset Accounting Document) from corresponding fields of table BKPF (Header Financial Accounting Document).
Correction report that deactivates asset error indicator

Ordinary Depreciation Positive in Area XX

Ordinary Depreciation Positive in Area XX

If the asset is already retirred, as an alternative to eliminate the error:

  1. Reverse the retirements/transfer made for the assets involved via AB08.
  2. Go to tcode AS02 and navigate through the Depreciation Areas Tab. 
  3. Double Clicke Area XX.  
  4. Click the Negative Values allowed option.
  5. Retire again the asset. 

Asset Report No Data Selected

When running Asset Related standard reports, it is resulting to "No Data Selected" Error.
When checked via SE16, there are valid data for the report.
The error appears only for a particular userid.

Possible missing authorization.

Auth Object: A_A_VIEW
Asset View: 6

account xxx requires an assignment to CO object


account xxx requires an assignment to CO object


Maintian a Cost Center Assignment to the GL Account that is mapped via transaction OKB9.